Code of conduct for students

              RNS First Grade College believes that a safe, secure and cohesive learning climate is an ineluctable precondition to quality education. It should be the prime concern to ensure that students are safeguarded to quality education. It should be the prime concern to ensure that students are safeguarded in the campus, keeping this in mind our college has formulated guidelines for the safety, security and study.
The guidelines mentioned below shall apply to all the students within the College premises and their off-campus mannerisms which may have serious consequences or adverse impact on the Institution’s interests or reputation.
1. Students are provided with identifiable and authentic ID cards and    wearing of ID cards in the institutional premises is compulsory.
2. Inability to produce the identity card, issued by the Institution, or refusing to produce it on demand by campus security personnel can be punishable.
3. Unauthorized possession or use of harmful chemicals and banned drugs.
4. Smoking within the College campus is strictly banned.
5. No parking of vehicle in a no parking zone or in the area earmarked for parking of other type of motor vehicles, cycles etc.
6. No rash driving on the campus that may cause any inconvenience to others
7. Not disclosing a pre-existing health condition, either physical or psychological which may cause hindrance to the academic progress of the student.
8. No pilfering or unauthorized access to the resources of others.
9. Any act of discrimination (physical or verbal) based on an individual’s gender identity, caste, race, religion or religious beliefs, colour, region, language, disability, marital or family status, physical or mental disability etc is not advised.
10. Any disruptive activity in a class room or in an event sponsored by the College is punishable.
11. Making video/audio recording, taking photographs, or streaming audio/video of any person in a location causing thoroughfare into the person’s privacy without his/her knowledge or consent, is punishable.
12. The college gives utmost priority to discipline and everyone is bound to follow the rules and regulations of the college and maintain strict discipline.
13. Under disciplinary action, the Principal is empowered to fine, suspend or even expel a student from the college in the best interest of the Institution.
14. Students are not permitted to possess or use mobile phones inside the campus.
15. Students are expected to be in the class before 8:30AM. College working hours: Monday to Friday 8:20AM to 3:20AM. Saturday 8:20AM to 12:50PM.
16. The students should be regular and punctual in attending classes and all activities connected with the college.
17. Students coming late will not permitted to attend the classes.
18. During the 20 minutes break, the students are not allowed to leave the campus block.
19. The students are expected to take up all the Assignments, Test, and Examinations seriously and should perform the best. The test and examination marks will be considered for Internal Assessment.
20. Students are not permitted to absent themselves without prior permission.
21. All the students must carry their identity card, wear neat and clean uniform to the college.
22. Writing on walls, furniture, pillars is strictly prohibited and punishable.
23. It would be highly desirable that Parents/Guardian visit the college periodically and meet the Principal to know the progress of their ward.
24. The cost of any damage, if caused to college property will be charges to accounts of the students responsible for the damage is addition to disciplinary action.
25. As per Bangalore University, 75% attendance is compulsory; otherwise students cannot appear for the University Examination. However students with attendance above 95% get full marks for attendance.
26. Absence for more than three days for reason of health requires a medical certificate. Producing a medical certificate however does not entitle a student to get attendance.
27. Misbehaviour outside the college, besides affecting the reputation of the college, has an impact on student’s community. The college reserves the right to take action to deal with such misbehaviour.
